Saturday, 24 May 2014

A Re-View

IDEA Cellular is coming up with a few ads, which are quite interesting and hilarious. As the election fiasco was on, they made some classy ads. In one of the ad, a politician is promising that he will get water in the city. A young guy browses the internet on his phone using 3G facility and shows to the public that this same politician had made the same promise five years ago too. The ad completes with a jingle – “No ullu banaving .. “ (don’t try to make a fool of us!)

But that’s the impression we have about most of our politicians, isn’t it? Work that has been pending for last 3 years gets completed suddenly, just before the elections. They claim various things they will do if they get elected. But once they get elected, nothing happens at all. In fact, they are hard even to trace. Our politicians just jabber things that need not be true. (Though our new PM Narendra Modi ushers a refreshingly new hope for all Indians!) We don’t really respect such people, do we?

I don’t wish to be in that category at all. So, as I write blogs the thought I have is – am I just jabbering because I have a thought and can express it through words? Or do I actually implement/ live by what I write. Just felt like ‘Re-Viewing’ how the blogs have helped me – 

The moment I had this experience about the Delta Airlines pilot, my whole attitude had a paradigm shift. Though I had always heard about there being ‘class’ in whatever I do, I didn’t really imbibe that in. But, ever since I witnessed this incident, the thought process has been – I will do it the best way I know or not do it at all. This has especially helped me at work. Thanks to this incident, lots of people have been appreciating us for the way we have displayed things at showroom, and our style of working. 

YES to things

Waris Ahluwalia’s story has been brilliant for me. Every time there is something new to do (even if I haven’t ever done it before), earlier I would resist, especially if it were out of my comfort zone. But now, the moment there is a novel idea, I am more than excited to take it up. The thought process is – WOW! There is something interesting – let’s do it! 

Passing it on

The moment I read this story of ‘A Cup of Coffee’, I was startled at the brilliant thought of it. It was an amazing example of being compassionate towards those who couldn’t afford a coffee in that ambience. As I wrote that article, it has made me more conscious of people around me. I continue to be a patient listener, and more understanding towards the way people react to certain situations even though I am not at fault. 

This has been such an eye opener for me. Ever since I have heard about this concept from Malhar, things haven’t been the same. In any given situation, now I don’t wait for company. I have started to believe that I am my best company and don’t wait for anyone to start anything. If I feel it must be done, even though no one is with me, I don’t mind starting it.

From quite a long time, I have been having this as a philosophy in life – I must treat them with respect sheerly because they too are human beings. Irrespective of how they behave in a few situations, I never ever disrespect people. That has helped me win a lot of people, without breaking off any relationship till date.

This is one article that I thought was my best. When I first read about Alex Sheen, the only word that came out was – WOW! I truly feel that if I have made a commitment, I must complete it, come what may. Not because of anything else, but because I said I would! I don’t want to fail in my own eyes! Alex’s story just ensured that I just don’t promise for the heck of it, but I mean it.

Ever since the meeting with Shripal, my alertness has been at the peak. I keep glancing at my inner self and reflect what I enjoy doing, and are there things that I do but not enjoy.  I have got more clarity on what I love doing and what I don’t. Though I still haven’t found my passion, I am ensuring I do things which I enjoy doing!

This blog made me more aware about how I treat people. Do I hold on to grudges? Or do I forgive them for one wrong they did, and focus on glorious moments we have shared. From the time I have written this article, I don’t hold any personal grudges in my heart for anyone. It has given me so much peace!

If you talk to anyone who knows me, they will tell you that this is my strength. Irrespective of the situation, I never lose my composure. If I don’t like what is happening, I would never revolt in any way. I will simply withdraw and wait for the right moment to communicate things. Hence, I think people don’t mind approaching me with their issues / questions.

The thought that I will not ‘Die Rich’ but ‘Live Rich’ is engraved in my mind. Some people will have very funny expectations about the way I should live my life. But, I am the best judge of knowing what kind of lifestyle I can afford. There is no point in showing off. At the same time, I must ensure I am a smart buyer. Why should I buy things at my friend’s store, if it is available cheaper online? I'm 100% sure of one thing – I will leave behind awesome memories for my loved ones! 

As I complete writing the reviews, I am feeling so glad that I don’t belong to that category of people who just say, but need not necessarily mean what they say. Henceforth, in all my blogs I will include at least one paragraph where I will mention how I have implemented or will implement the blog.

Is there anything you would like to share about my blogs? Any thought process that changed? Was there anything about you that changed after reading any blog? Did some realization hit you? Was there any feeling that got kindled? Would you like to give me some feedback to improve?

Would love to read from you! 

Amit Kothari

…… always upgrading!

Friday, 9 May 2014


I was chatting with one of my friend on the phone. After a few updates, I simply asked him where he had been. He shared that a shocking incident happened in his family, a couple of days ago; that he was trying to overcome. He continued that ‘one of his uncle, about 50 years of age, passed away; all of a sudden. He was very fit; exercised regularly; never took stress; never smoked; never consumed alcohol; never had an abrupt diet; and always slept well.’ It was dreadful to listen to it. I didn’t know what to say.

He further updated that the uncle toiled very hard and made good money in his life. He bought a few properties and saved some money in his bank account. But he never seemed to have enjoyed his life. My friend then put forth a rhetorical question, “Amit, what use is this money and hard work if I am not able to enjoy it? Could he take a single penny with him?”

Through the day, few very interesting rhetorical questions popped up -
  • When I can afford a lavish holiday, am I still booking for Bread & Breakfast (B&B) hotels? (Justification - Anyway, how much time will we stay in the hotel?)
  • When I can buy a sedan car, am I still stuck onto buying a Nano? (Justification - even a Nano has four wheels and will drive me around.)
  • When I can fly business class, do I still look for cheap fares and book economy class? (Justification - Isn’t it still going to take me to the destination, irrespective of where I sit in that flight?)
  • When it is possible for me to carry a Mont Blanc pen in my pocket, am I still using a Reynolds? (Justification - After all, both the pens just write, isn’t it?)
  • When I can buy branded clothes for myself, do I still end up going to export rejected sale?
  • When I can buy original jewellery, do I still stuff my drawers with artificial jewellery?
  • When I can choose to cherish a cup of coffee in a romantic ambience with my wife, do I still have coffee at a small restaurant?
  • When I have decided to run the 42 kms marathon, shouldn’t I be wearing the shoes that support my legs? (Justification - Anyway, shoes are shoes. P T Usha and Milkha Singh didn’t have them yet they succeeded, didn’t they?)
  • When I can use an Apple iPhone, do I still end up buying an ordinary phone? (Justification - I wouldn’t use all the features anyways. It’s just the green button to receive and a red button to hang up.)
  • When I can afford to have enough maids, do I still negotiate with them and keep changing them for a few hundred rupees? If she leaves, I need to unnecessarily sweat and complete their work until I find a new one.
  • When I can employ enough people to help me in my work and reduce my burden, do I still appoint limited staff? (Justification - We don’t get people who are trustworthy these days, isn’t it?)          

My question is very simple – “If we can afford a certain lifestyle, why not?” The lifestyle will vary for each one of us. It is foolish to live a lavish lifestyle, just to show people, that I can’t afford. It is equally pitiful to live below the standard of lifestyle that I can afford. I should neither over-spend nor under-spend.

I vividly remember a small incident when the recession had started, about 2-3 years ago. Dad was sharing about how business had slowed down. Immediately, Mom commented, “Let’s reduce our expenses.” My Dad spoke a few words of wisdom, which I have held on to till date. He said, “Let’s not live and think like a CHINDHI (a miser who thinks absolutely negatively). Instead, let’s focus on how to earn more and continue to enjoy the current lifestyle!” I thought it is learning of a lifetime. After that I have never said – ‘I will not do an expense, because it is recession.’ Instead the thought has been – what can I do to be able to increase my profits?

I feel that it’s worthless compromising on lifestyle just to save a little money. Yes, it is important to save, which I must. But, I must decide on a certain amount that I wish to save every year. Anything over that should be a bonus that I should happily spend. Add to it the thinking that – I must focus on how to increase my income. Somehow I have seen magic happen when I shift my focus from being a CHINDHI to what to do to enhance my lifestyle?

Like that uncle, when I leave this planet (maybe about 100 years from now), I will be able to take nothing with me. But if I have lived a great life, where I have made the best use of what I have earned through my hard work, I will leave awesome memories for my loved ones! Whatever happens in future, I have decided that I want to LEAVE AWESOME MEMORIES FOR MY LOVED ONES ….!

Amit Kothari

…… always upgrading!